Since late eighties, Terre des Hommes was among the international NGOs that contributed to the establishment and the ratification of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (1989).
A Campaign to End the Indefinite National Service Slavery in Eritrea highlights the toxic nature of Eritrea’s National Service, which has become interminable in length contrary to the 18 months mandated by law, persecutory in the process of recruitment and retention and violates the basic rights of recruits contrary to international conventions that Eritrea is a party to.
South Africa
Works to promote peace, non-violence and campaigns against the arms trade. Has active youth groups, and took part in the first International Day of Action for Military-Free Education and Research.
Korea (south)
World without Wars and Violence (WwW) appeared in 1994 and was presented for the first time in an international level in 1995 in the Open Encounter of Humanism that took place in Chile at the University of Santiago. WwW is active in around 40 countries and carries out grassroots social activities and also develops international campaigns such as “2000 without war”, “Education for Nonviolence”, “The World March for Peace and Nonviolence” and “The World Forum for Peace and Nonviolence”.
The Peace Pledge Union is the oldest secular pacifist organisation in Britain. Since 1934 it has been campaigning for a warless world. From anti bombing campaigns during WW2 to protest at the remote controlled drone assassinations of today.
The Before You Sign Up information service is not intended to promote a particular view about the armed forces. It is for you, a potential recruit, to decide whether it is best for you to join up, not for anybody else to decide for you.
Our work is all about empowering and protecting children. So it makes sense that we're also passionate about talking to children in the UK about the brutal effects of war that millions of their peers are living with (and dying from).
Pax Christi works for
- Peace - based on justice. A world where human rights are respected, basic needs are met and people feel safe and valued in their communities.
- Reconciliation - a process which begins when people try to mend relationships – between individuals or whole countries after times of violence or dispute.
- Nonviolence - a way of living and making choices that respects others, challenges what is not fair or just, and offers alternatives to violence and war.
At Ease is a voluntary organisation providing advice and information to members of the Armed Forces - including information on conscientious objection and the right to object. AT EASE is not intended to promote a particular view about the Armed Forces.
The Cambridge Peace and Education Research Group (CPERG) provides a hub for the sharing and exchange of ideas around conflict, peace, and education both within the UK and internationally.
ForcesWatch develops projects and works with organisations, individuals and initiatives concerned about military recruitment in the UK. Their work include challenging military presence in education, campaigning for raising the minimum age of recruitment to 18, making terms and conditions for serving personnel clearer and less restrictive, as well as campaigning for greater recognition of conscientious objection.
The Woodcraft Folk is a movement for young people which campaigns to challenge military activities in schools.
‘Don’t Join the Army’ is a project of Veterans For Peace UK. It is a response to the Army’s consistently misleading and exploitative recruitment campaigns aimed at young people.
The CND Peace Education programme is charitably funded by The Nuclear Education Trust and aims to empower young people with knowledge on peace and nuclear issues. The programme supports independent thinking and encourages debate, enabling young people to form their own opinions.
School Students Against War brings together young people from across the country in a grassroots campaign against war and destruction. Affiliated to the Stop the War Coalition, which has brought millions onto the streets in demonstrations, we aim to give school students a voice.
The Peace Education Network is a national UK network that brings together people and organisations committed to education for peace.
The Universities Network is an informal collective of groups and individuals at universities across the UK - students and staff in higher education who are campaigning to break ties between their institution and arms companies. By linking campaigns across the country we can be inspired by each other, share successes and plan more effectively by pooling resources.
Die Initiative "Hochschulen für den Frieden - Ja zur Zivilklausel" gründete sich im Mai 2011. In ihr setzen sich Gewerkschaften, Studierenden- und Wissenschafts- sowie Friedensorganisationen für zivile Hochschulen als Ort für Studien, Lehre und Forschung ein, in denen sinnvolle Beiträge zur friedlichen Lösung der Probleme und Konflikte dieser Welt geleistet werden (weitere Informationen siehe: Erklärung „Hochschulen für den Frieden - ja zur Zivilklausel“). Die verstärkte Ausbreitung militärischer Forschung und Lehre an Universitäten trägt nicht zum Wohle der Menschen bei. Die Initiative fordert Hochschulen, die in Wissenschaft, Forschung und Lehre ausschließlich dem Frieden verbunden sind. Dazu bedarf es einer breiten Diskussion um die gesellschaftliche Verantwortung der Wissen-schaftlerinnen und des Wissenschaftlers aber auch der Institution Hochschule.
Die Initiative „Hochschulen für den Frieden – Ja zur Zivilklausel“ will die Friedensbewegung an den Hochschulen stärken und in Kooperation mit internationalen Initiativen vernetzen.
English name: Say No! No personal data of youth to the Federal Army! Opposition is possible and necessary!
Spain (state of)
A campaign for demilitarised education, with more than forty affiliated groups working on the promotion of peace in education. Content available in English, Spanish and Catalan.
Campaign against the army's presence in schools and in children's lives generally.
Conscientious objection campaigning movement and antimilitarist direct action.
A human rights organization that was born as a work proposal for peace, against social injustice from active non-violence. We are ecumenical and humanistic in inspiration. We promote active nonviolence as a form of personal and collective life and as a method of processing and developing solidarity. We do not belong or adhere to some religion or political party. Affiliated to War Resisters' International.
"New Profile" is a group of feminist women and men, who are convinced that we need not live in a soldiers’ state. Today, Israel is capable of a determined peace politics. It need not be a militarized society. We are convinced that we ourselves, our children, our partners, need not go on being endlessly mobilized, need not go on living as warriors.
January 2002, a group of Israeli reserve officers and combat soldiers returned from their duty in the Gaza strip, and drafted a letter that would change they way Israelis conceive the military control of the occupied territories. This document came to be known as the Combatant's Letter.
The War Resisters Support Campaign was founded in 2004 to assist U.S. military personnel who refused to participate in the Iraq war and came to Canada seeking asylum.
Le Quotidien de Chicoutimi annonçait ce matin, dans un article repris dans Le Soleil, que la Centrale des syndicats du Québec (CSQ), lire tout
Vancouver's Labour/Community coalition of organizations united for Justice and Peace
Demilitarize McGill organizes to interrupt the University’s history of complicity in colonization and imperialist warfare by ending military collaboration at McGill. Read more...
For many of us it is not enough to avoid personal military service because we know that funds taken from us in the form of tax will be used for war and other violent purposes. In other words, we know that we will be made complicit in war through our taxes no matter what our beliefs and values might be.As Conscientious Objectors we want to know that all funds that we turn over to government will be used only for peaceful purposes. We therefore call ourselves Conscientious Objectors to Military Taxation (COMT).
The counter-recruitment campaign is a movement to reclaim our educationnal institutions for peace and the interests of students from those who would co-opt them for war. Launched across Canada in 2006, the campaign consists in informing people as to what a military career is about, to end the presence of the army in schools and to denounce massive investments in military industry at the expense of education.
United States of America
NNOMY (National Network Opposing the Militarization of Youth) is a national networking body that brings together national, regional and local organizations to oppose the growing intrusion of the military in young people's lives.
Project Great Futures works to provide Southern California youth with information about alternatives to military enlistment. We look for and promote programs and services which support, affirm, and encourage young people to fulfill their dreams. Our goal is to support students to think critically, research the options, raise their expectations, and to empower students to make up their own minds about their future.
Project YANO is a California based nonprofit community organization that provides young people with an alternative point of view about military enlistment. Many of the organisation's members are armed forces veterans who believe that high school students are getting a distorted picture of the military and war from recruiting ads and marketing.
CCP emphasizes two forms of active nonviolence: Constructive Nonviolence includes the ways of creating a just and peaceful culture by developing new relationships, new practices, and new institutions. Nonviolent Resistance includes tactics such as boycotts, petitions, and rallies; it is designed to protest, and even to interfere with, injustice and oppression. Both forms are enhanced by increased democratic participation. CCP is offered in communities across the country. Within its first four years, CCP traveled to 36 states and Palestine, trained thousands of participants and 300 trainers, and was adopted by national and regional faith groups and Veterans for Peace.
'We, the Chicago Chapter of Veterans for Peace, are pursuing a many-pronged campaign to bring Peace at Home, Peace Abroad by focusing on youth and the demilitarization of public education.'
Campaign Goals: Our goal is to protect kids from military recruiting. How we treat our young (and other vulnerable populations) is a mark of our level of civilization.
A free society is capable of filling its military from the ranks of adults and does not need to take advantage of children or adolescents who are unable to judge the risks of such a life altering decision.
The campaign is not anti-military, it is pro-child. We want a safe and healthy childhood for all our kids.
Safepassage Network monitors the practices of the military recuiters in our public schools. It advocates education about the pros and cons of a career in the military so that every student can make an informed choice.
The Center on Conscience & War is a non-profit organization that advocates for the rights of conscience, opposes military conscription, and serves all conscientious objectors to war.
We help individuals, congregations, communities, and other groups grow in peace through powerful programs of training and accompaniment. Our professional staff and network of experienced volunteers provide skills, support, and spiritual foundations for overcoming violence with the power of love. While grounded in our faith tradition, we work with all kinds of groups -- like schools, churches, community organizations, businesses, government agencies, and others.
The National Coalition to Protect Student Privacy works to prohibit the automatic release of student information to military recruiting services gathered through the administration of the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) Career Exploration Program in high schools across the country.
Truth and Alternatives to Militarism in Education (TAME) mission is to raise awareness of the ways by which militarism encourages violence, consumes resources, and threatens our well-being.
We present critical perspectives on the role of the military and the idealized portrayal of war to youth in particular, parents, educators, and the public in general.
We work to expose the negative aspects of a military presence and an ongoing recruitment in our educational institutions, including the system of promises and inducements used to entice young people into the military.
We encourage the development and enforcement of policies limiting the presence of the military in our schools.
TAME is open to all those actively working to counteract the influence of militarism in both our schools and the broader society.
COMD is an anti-militarism organization that also challenges the institution of the military, its effect on society, its budget, its role abroad and at home, and the racism, sexism and homophobia that are inherent in the armed forces and Selective Service System. COMD activities include community education, direct action and youth outreach. Individuals sharing our goals are invited to become COMD activists and supporters.
Leave My Child Alone is a project of Mainstreet Moms Organize or Bust
The coalition campaign against No Child Left Behind’s military recruitment requirement, with an emphasis on family privacy. Working with a network of 400 women legislators, we saw school policy change in at least 100 school districts.
Stop the War Coalition aims to stop the so-called “war on terror” declared by the United States in 2001 and supported by the Howard, Rudd and Gillard governments.
Students Against War is an open, non-hierarchical collective made up of students, university staff and other supporters who are campaigning against military research at the University of Wollongong, as well as against war and militarism more generally.