AFSC & Bay Peace Presents Youth Manifesto
American Friends Service Committee and its San Francisco Wage Peace Program staff in partnership with BAY-Peace of Oakland California, have been supporting Oakland Youth in taking a bold step to demilitarize their schools.
The San Francisco Wage Peace program challenges the militarization of U.S. society, changing the narrative of military efficacy by:
1. highlighting the high cost of war spending, especially in maintaining our nuclear arsenal, as a method of security that cuts into meeting human needs that build a truer human security;
2. exposing high school military recruitment practices that undermine civilian public education through presentations of a full picture of military life and high school alternatives that offer the same discipline, teamwork, community and leadership as JROTC; and
3. exposing the war profiteering role of the University of California system and Lockheed-Martin Corporation in the nuclear weapons industry through economic activism campaigns.
Our work is informed by the ethos that recognizes others as fellow human beings, even when they are our adversaries.
Learn more about San Francisco Wage Peace here.