Canada: Military training for high school credits questioned at meeting

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A new programme that gives credits to students for military training has its first participants in Regina, Canada. The programme heavily criticised by the peace activists who previously mobilized with a petition to stop it begins this month with its first enrolees. As part of the programme, the students will complete basic military training and earn two high school credits for it.

As ten new enrolees started their training early this month, the programme encountered another resistance, this time at a meeting of the Regina Catholic School Division's electors. As Austin M. Davis from the newspaper Leader Post reports, following a resolution passed at the annual electors' meeting of the Regina Catholic School Division last week, the division will be forced to make a decision regarding its involvement in the programme. Instructing the school board to "inform the provincial government it does not want a military training program in its high schools," the resolution also calls for the board to work with the Ministry of Education to develop a course for credit in peace studies to replace the current option. You can read more of the details here.


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