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War-Toys: Israel, West Bank, Gaza Strip

War-Toys : War-Toys: Israel, West Bank, Gaza Strip

Brian McCarty -

WAR-TOYS: ISRAEL, WEST BANK, GAZA STRIP – Using principles of play and art therapy, children who have been affected by conflict become art directors for Brian McCarty’s photographs of toys found within warzones, placed and posed to recreate shared fears and witnessed events. The resulting images offer rare and fascinating insights into the contemporary experiences of girls and boys living on both sides of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict.

“My goal for WAR-TOYS is to change lives,” says artist Brian McCarty. The showing of work at Peanut Underground Art Projects and upcoming book release are the first volume in what will be a long-running project.


The popular geopolitics of military video games: Answering the ‘Call of Duty’

Call of Duty

Daniel Bos was awarded ESRC +3 funding in 2011 to research the popular geopolitics of military video games. The research will specifically focus on the geopolitical and militaristic significance of commercial first-person shooter video games, such as ‘Call of Duty’. Furthermore, the project will use multiple, innovative methods to investigate players’ engagements with the games.
The research will contribute to current academic discussions by:


Scientists to spend £500,000 examining how toys shape opinions of war

Hayley Dixon -

 Scientists are to spend £500,000 finding out if playing with toys like Action Man shape children's opinions on war and terrorism.

The two year study also plans to look at whether such dolls have a role to play in influencing the future of our armed forces.

The project, funded by the Economic and Social Research Council, is the first analysis of the role of toys in the making of young people.

It's hoped the findings will be published in 2016 shortly after the expected withdrawal of British troops from Afghanistan, which itself will inform the research.

Professor Klaus Dodds, of Royal Holloway University in London, who insists the money is well spent, said: "We are not examining whether war toys are good or bad or the psychology of such play.


Peace Youth Camp 2013

The 8th annual peace camp presented by San Pedro Neighbors for Peace and Justice is coming soon. We offer a peace camp to teach kids 15 to 20 peace activism and alternatives to war and military service. In the Santa Monica Mountains from June 10th thru June 14th 2013. email us at or contact

Peace Youth Camp 2013

Why Not Teach Peace?: video

Teachers, Mentors and Students talk about PeaceJam curriculum in their schools.

Why Not Teach Peace?: video

Colman McCarthy: Teach Peace: video

Colman McCarthy of Georgetown University Law Center presents the Nuclear Age Peace Foundation's 7th Annual Frank K. Kelly Lecture calling for a significant change in our educational system. He argues that peace studies should be part of the core curriculum and include the philosophy of peace, the writings of great peace leaders, and non-violent conflict resolution. Series: Voices [6/2008] [Humanities] [Show ID: 14643]
University of California Television (UCTV)

Colman McCarthy: Teach Peace: video

Peace Education Network: Teach Peace

Teach Peace

Teach Peace, a new resource from the Peace Education Network, is a set of eight assemblies, follow-up activities, resources, prayers and reflections on peace for primary schools.

From the UN peace day, 21 September, to the International Day for Children as Victims of War, 4 June, the school year is filled with opportunities to use the assemblies and activities in Teach Peace. This resource will help to ensure peace is a key theme in our children’s education and help you to celebrate peace and the peacemakers in your school.

This Package Includes:


Jorge Mariscal speaks about the recruitment of Latin Americans in the US army

Proyecto Yano activista Jorge Mariscal dirige a los periodistas en una conferencia de prensa el 29 de agosto en San Diego, el anuncio de una campaña nacional para contrarrestar el reclutamiento militar entre los estudiantes de secundaria y universitarios latinos.

Interview with Jorge Mariscal, anti-recruitment activist of the YANO (Non-Military Opportunities for Young People) organization.

The Hispanos who choose to enlist in the US army to fight in Iraq.

Jorge Mariscal is a professor of the Department of Chicano and Latino Studies at the University of California in San Diego.


U.N. calls on U.S. to ensure voluntary nature of ASVAB testing; U.S. denies ASVAB is required


The National Coalition to Protect Student Privacy -


The Armed Forces prepare for the first quarter of 2014 with more than 800 advertising and propaganda events

Aachener Friedenspreis | Geistbraus

Schule ohne Militär! -

Against Advertise with minors is forming a broad social resistance from teachers, parents and unions nationwide have already ten schools for "military-free," says the first 3 of them were for this award in last year with the prestigious "Aachen Peace Prize".

The competent staff for advertising "career counselor" of the Bundeswehr want in the first Qurtal 2014 visit around 120 commercial fairs and exhibitions, 200 schools and 140 is moved with the employment agencies "Job Center" respectively "career information centers". Moreover, in addition to over 160 performances of "youth officers" of the Armed Forces, in particular, are involved in the military-political propaganda against students. The funds for the advertising has been tripled in recent years.
