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Human Rights Groups urged the UK military to stop recruiting under 18s

Young soldiers formed

An open letter signed by a coalition of human rights groups, including Child Rights International Network, Amnesty International UK and Human Rights Watch, urged the defence Ministry to stop recruiting children aged under 18.

The letter declared that the UK military recruits more soldiers at 16 than any other age, especially for combat infantry roles, whereas most countries around the world only allow adults to be recruited. Additionally, this recruitment practice needs to end as “figures showed that girls aged under 18 in the armed forces made at least 16 formal complaints of sexual assault to military police in the last six years” informed The Guardian in an article released in June covering the MPs debate around the Armed Forces Bill.

The joint letter also said:


Girl Soldiers: Forgotten Casualties of War

A 14-year-old female soldier from the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia rides in a military helicopter along with other captured rebels. (Scott Dalton / AP)


As secretary of State, Hillary Clinton was visibly shaken by sexual crimes against women and girls when she visited the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) in 2009. Sexual crimes in this central African country, known as the “rape capital of the world,” include the sexual exploitation of tens of thousands of girls abducted and trapped as child soldiers. Nonetheless, since 2010, President Obama has waived a congressionally mandated ban on military aid to countries known to exploit child soldiers, among them the DRC.


US Soldiers Forced To Retire After Refusing Orders to Ignore Children Being Raped by Police Officers

By M. David and M.A. Hussein, Counter Current News

Imagine that you witnessed child sexual abuse while on the job, but your boss told you not to do anything to stop it. Now imagine that your boss was the United States government.

That’s exactly what happened to Lance Cpl. Gregory Buckley Jr.

In his last phone call, he told his father about what had been happening in Southern Afghanistan. He said he could hear Afghan police officers raping and sexually abusing boys brought to the base.

“At night we can hear them screaming, but we’re not allowed to do anything about it,” the Marine’s father, Gregory Buckley Sr., said his son told him before being shot and killed a the base.


French soldier charged with sexual abuse in Burkina Faso

The man, 38, was charged for sexually abusing a minor and for recording images of a pornographic nature involving a minor, the source said.

A second soldier who had been detained over the case has been freed without charge.

The two men had been repatriated after being questioned by French and Burkinabe military police in capital Ouagadougou.

Sources close to the Burkina Faso investigation say the two soldiers -- aged 36 and 38 -- met the mother of the youngest girl at the swimming pool on Sunday and were invited to her home for a drink.

One of the two men left behind his GoPro portable camera, on which the mother found the images from the swimming pool which showed the alleged abuse, a source said.

The mother took the "fairly long" film to the French embassy, and it was later seen by the father of the other child.


UN peacekeepers face new sex abuse claims in CAR

Street children said to be among those abused in third case of alleged sex abuse involving peacekeepers deployed in CAR.

The United Nations peacekeeping contingent serving in the Central African Republic are accused of sexually abusing street children in Bangui, a UN spokesman has said.

UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon's spokesperson, Stephane Dujarric, said the latest incident was the third case of alleged child sexual abuse involving peacekeepers in the CAR to have surfaced in recent months. 

"If the allegations are substantiated, this would constitute a grave violation of UN principles and of the code of conduct of peacekeepers," Dujarric said on Tuesday.

The UN mission in Bangui has notified the troop-contributing country of the new allegations and has opened an investigation, Dujarric said.

The country of origin was not identified, but a UN official said it was an African contingent.


UN response to sex abuse whistleblower is 'deeply unsatisfactory' - open letter

Statement by civil society organisations calling on the UN Secretary ­General to clarify measures taken in response to reports of sexual abuse of children by foreign troops in the Central African Republic

Dear Mr Ban Ki Moon,

We, the undersigned civil society organisations, call for immediate action to address revelations about the sexual abuse of children by French, Chadian and Equatorial Guinean troops in the Central African Republic, and the United Nations’ handling of the situation.


Hansel and Gretel at the Military Recruiter

Military recruiters must feel like Hansel and Gretel’s “wicked witch,” fattening up the children to eat them. With sexual violence, endless wars of occupation, fatalities, brain trauma, permanent disabilities and an epidemic of suicides, what they’re selling these days looks like a lot like a bad horror show.

With the chance of being sent into quagmires in Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, Syria, Yemen, Somalia, etc. on one hand, the likelihood of being sexually assaulted on the other three-fourths and the specter of suicide among vets of all stripes¾you have to wonder how recruiters get anyone in the door. Newbies must not be reading the papers; all four active-duty services and five out of six reserve components met their recruiting goals in 2014, according to the Pentagon.

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