International Week of Action Against the Militarisation of Youth

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Call for Articles: Examples of Youth Militarisation in Different Countries/Regions

War Resisters' International is organising the third International Week of Action Against the Militarisation of Youth this year. The week is going to take place between November 14-20 with the participation of groups and individuals from different countries. See our call out here.

Alongside events and actions, this year we are also planning to share examples of youth militarisation, and resistance to it, from different countries via a series of articles. The articles will be published on our website If you'd like to write to us about your country and/or community please contact us via


A Call to Action: International Week of Action Against the Militarisation of Youth

Would you like to take action against the militarisation of youth with many others across the world?

You can join War Resisters' International's week of action, which will be held between 14-20 November for the third time this year. You can join as an individual or as a group.

War Resisters' International is organising the 3rd International Week of Action Against the Militarisation of Youth from 14 to 20 November this year. The week is a concerted effort of antimilitarist actions across the world to raise awareness of, and challenge, the ways young people are militarised, and to give voice to alternatives.


Interview with Peace Action Wellington

By Semih Sapmaz

Activists from Peace Action Wellington (PAW) organised two days of nonviolent direct actions against the annual Weapons Conference held in New Zealand (NZ) last November. Following their peaceful protests, 27 activists - 26 of whom keep fighting charges - were arrested and taken to court. On 18 February they are standing trial again, defending their right to peaceful demonstration for peace and justice.

Sending our solidarity messages to the activists in Wellington, we reached Valerie Morse from PAW and asked her about their campaign Stop the Weapons Conference as well as many other questions on militarism and the antimilitarist movement in New Zealand.

To begin with, can you tell us about Peace Action Wellington: when it was formed and what was the motivations behind forming it?


Report from the International Week of Action Against the Militarisation of Youth

The 2nd International Week of Action Against the Militarisation of Youth was held between 14-20 November with many activists taking actions and organising events across the world. The week followed the first ever week of action took place last year and a day of action held in 2013.

Throughout the week this year, antimilitarists from different countries organised street actions and protests; held meetings, talks and workshops; and run social media campaigns all of which challenging the many ways militaries engage with young people via the use of public spaces.


Youth Resistance in the Mariana Islands: Protecting sacred sites from the United States Military

By Sylvia C. Frain, the National Centre for Peace and Conflict Studies, University of Otago

The United States Department of Defence (DOD) currently utilizes over 30 million acres of land at more than 5,000 different locations around the world. These military bases and colony units are often-overlooked aspects of the United States (U.S.) global military footprint.


Week of Action Against the Militarisation of Youth: Events Happening This Week

This week is the 2nd International Week of Action Against the Militarisation of Youth. Join us with your nonviolent actions this week and stand against the many ways young people are engaged in wars all around the world. 

Share your word using #YouthAgainstWar hashtag on social media and follow us on Twitter and Facebook for further updates.

Here is the list of events happening this week:

10th November: Subash Kattel from Nepal gives a talk on countering youth militarisation in Nepal in an event jointly organised by The Community Self Reliance Center and National Land Rights Forum in Kathmandu.


This week is the International Week of Action Against the Militarisation of Youth

The coming week is the 2nd International Week of Action Against the Militarisation of Youth where youth groups and activists from different countries will be taking actions against the many ways militaries engage with the young and militarise our public spaces.

Join us this November and stand against the militarisation of youth with many others all around the world. Your voice, your nonviolent actions and events will contribute to our growing international movement!

Share your word using #YouthAgainstWar hashtag on Twitter and Facebook, contact us via or, and follow for further updates.


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